
由蒂姆·罗斯领衔主演的英国制造是一部综合评分7.0的英国电影。讲述了Trevor is a 16 year old, sometimes-violent skinhead with no regard for authority, and would rather spend his time stealing cars than sitting in the detention centre to which he is sent. His social worker, Harry Parker, tries to do his best, but Trevor is only interested when there's something that he can get out of it. The authorities within the centre try to make Trevor conform to the norms of society, but he takes no notice, and would rather speak in a torrent of four-letter words and racial abuse.  整体来说还可以,有些情节让人眼前一亮,不过整体表现中规中矩。


  • 3.0全向循环正片
  • 10.0爱是一把枪更新HD
  • 2.0大灌丛HD
  • 4.0金手套全69集
  • 5.0角斗士2正片
  • 1.0误杀HD国语