
由约翰·肖领衔主演的卡瓦纳诉讼 第二季是一部综合评分9.0的英国电视剧。讲述了1. "True Commitment" (26 February 1996)  Kavanagh finds himself defending a left-leaning protester accused of stabbing a skinhead at a protest march. The accused claims that it was entirely his fault, but when he hears that his upper middle class girlfriend has shopped him to the police, he changes his story saying he was just being chivalrous and that it was his girlfriend who ...  这部电影真是无可挑剔,从故事到表演都堪称完美,值得反复品味!


  • 3.0基督山伯爵第5集
  • 10.0洛克比:寻找真相第1集
  • 2.0钻井 第二季第6集完结
  • 9.0极地暗杀 第三季第3集
  • 8.0异家人更新至第10集
  • 7.0钻井第二季已完结