1入围2020年威尼斯电影节影评人周单元 A blue screen informs that war has begun. What will be needed? Collect the men, find guns, or maybe someone will give them. We n冲向天际
1一对青年恋人在城市喧嚣中相遇,他们的心在初遇时就如雷鸣般震撼。男主在晚风中张口结舌,想要向女主表白,却总是话不投机。女主眼中却藏不住对他的喜欢,暗示而明了。两人在一连串的误会和搞笑事件中越走越近,最终在一次意外中,男主终于说出了心里话,女主也迫不及待地回应。他们的故事由此展开,充满了甜蜜和欢笑,成为- Kongpope and Diew are half-brothers. At first, they get along but rivalry rises between them when they fall in love with the same girl. Kongpope和Di
1A journalist uncovers the story of a ruthless assassin when she investigates a government cover up- The Holy Man 2, the sequel to the comedy The Holy Man, introduces you to a new young monk named Brother Joey (Joey Boy) who replaces the position of t
- Change 2561继《霹雳情人》后再度推出BL新剧《香料之恋》。年轻男模Pla Wan对炒罗勒有着不可抗拒的热情。他收到一份价值七位数的重要合同,需要在著名影响力主厨Ob旗下的豪华餐厅卧底实习。这家餐厅不仅以其精湛的烹饪技艺而闻名,还以整洁和精致著称,让许多专业厨师都心存敬畏。Pla Wan,一