- 故事发生在民国晚年,时局动荡,社会风气混乱,而一连串神秘失踪案件的发生更是让人心惊胆战。在这个险象环生、扑朔迷离的案件中,失踪的少女们都与一位红衣女鬼有关,而她们的尸体却总是被发现在阴森的鬼宅内,身上还穿着诡异的红色绣花鞋。面对警局中的人心惶惶,唯有年轻女警甄小火毫不畏惧,决心揭开案件的真相。随着调
- The Holy Man 2, the sequel to the comedy The Holy Man, introduces you to a new young monk named Brother Joey (Joey Boy) who replaces the position of t
- Noi is a rock star who starts to feel bore within materialistic Thai society. He eventually finds the path to tranquility and peace by entering the mo